My Pepeha

Hello Everyone Im Chiri And I Will Be Showing You My Pepeha. A Pepeha Means Proverb In English It Is The Maori Word For Proverb. If You Do Not Know What A Proverb Is Then Here Is The Meaning I Got From Google (a short, well-known pithy saying, stating a general truth or piece of advice) It Is A Writen Saying That You Can Make I Have Made One Below. It is About Where Im From What Is My Mountain Near Me And My Family You Can Make You Own If You Want And Send It To Me At I Would Really Really Love To See You Own Just Make Sure You Add A Photo Of Your Family And i Have an EG Below About The Writing In My Photo

So First,

Tena koutou,Tena koutou,Tena koutou Katoa

No (Name Of Hill) toku Maunga

No (Name Of River) toku awa

Ko (Name Of Your Father) Toku Papa

Ko (Name Of Your Mother) toku mama

No Te Kura Takawarnga o (Town You Live In) te kura

Ko (Your Name) toku ingoa

And Put A Photo Of The River And Hill/Mountain Near You, Plus A Photo Of Your Family. 
E.g This Is My Lol ---)

Thanks Chiri


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